!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY ICTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 27 players | 2020-12-20T13:15:16.266Z

1кaмpaд44311.42039% Russian Federation
1oldfag23171.35128% France
0Momo52192.74140% Germany
0yourFEAR47192.47042% Germany
0(&)Pizzoccheri15310.48022% Lebanon
0granola14200.7025% Greece
0AlfredHugecock13190.68027% Germany
0Crowd>Santa8100.8036% Pakistan
0Arcelo8330.24013% Germany
0lambofgod6140.43013% Germany
0bazinga130.33125% Germany
0[]=_Michael_=[]150.2020% Russian Federation

1Baumhummer25231.09021% Germany
1Atheist9280.32018% Germany
0|DM|Nutshot62292.14046% Germany
0Noobee32281.14022% Serbia
0SHIELD23310.74122% Hungary
0wellwel19200.95218% Germany
0Springbok18340.53020% South Africa
0Nix16141.14030% Germany
0Gnocci8160.5015% Kenya
0ARCH#Tortellini570.71023% Slovenia
0HarryBrowne06006% United States
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