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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forgotten | public | 30 players | 2020-11-26T18:10:08.413Z

2(&)Spaghettini42291.45022% Italy
2Holgiwood20220.91022% Germany
2Springbok19230.83019% Russian Federation
1Stonewater22191.16232% Sweden
1conebone16190.84024% Germany
1makh9280.3206% Uganda
0\sig\55252.2135% Australia
0SUTTON23270.85222% Russian Federation
0bimo16280.57014% Italy
0B@@L_4ever13101.3021% Germany
0DAIGORO12260.46117% Italy
0[Deb]wuoldirty05000% Chile

1(&)Pici26340.76329% Australia
1FixittixiF18330.55217% Germany
1_fly6250.24313% Germany
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS77233.35057% Serbia
0JoeBiden34221.55024% Switzerland
0(&)Tagliatelle21161.31135% France
0Alucard15190.79313% France
0gorilla.rs14340.41015% Lithuania
0EvenSerieus12200.6013% United States
0sergik@mac10260.3809% Italy
0GlanMcGiSax111010% Germany
0jonas.cs170.14012% Lithuania
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