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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf tempest | public | 24 players | 2020-11-26T16:15:46.584Z

2gorilla.rs11170.65018% Lithuania
1Winston4280.1404% United Kingdom
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS73184.06260% Serbia
0mayolaptop20181.11044% Australia
0GrumpyOldMan1762.83040% Germany
0tas&cerWIN16270.59026% Russian Federation
0(&)Tagliatelle1252.4040% France
0jSr4170.24015% Russian Federation
0C.A.B.A.L.|tee|011013% Russian Federation

1vo|fsck27112.45030% Germany
1.8140.57015% Germany
1apf8230.35121% Australia
030028221.27025% New Zealand
0<=SrdN=>22280.79032% Italy
0HarryBrowne19200.95034% Australia
0_X_17220.77227% Germany
0KonichiWAAA680.75028% France
0Ollek380.3809% Germany
0UNTAMED-12-0.510% Australia
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