!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 14 players | 2020-11-23T22:01:13.753Z

4VoiceOfTruth28112.55034% Russian Federation
2Kopatel18181024% Russian Federation
1[sQ]Tay|Z38152.53042% Sweden
1Scuba10010045% Australia
1stigman5190.26016% Australia
0Dragan19200.95033% Germany
0Gibby_McFragger250.4022% Australia

2Prezes10160.63122% Russian Federation
0yourFEAR39162.44041% Germany
0evilknivel17260.65129% Germany
0Crypto-Chief13250.52018% Australia
0murdog9170.53127% Australia
0coucou3180.17115% France
0CHAKALL250.4016% Bulgaria
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