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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf capture_night | public | 23 players | 2020-11-23T21:10:11.437Z

2smerf_maruda24270.89023% Russian Federation
2Sauerkraut24510.47021% Australia
2Törminator14390.36216% Germany
10_043311.39136% United States
1acolarh22380.58118% Denmark
1Ooooh_Yeah19200.95125% Australia
0wlkn36400.9025% Australia
0Ghtrye33311.06122% France
0your_son23420.55222% France
0[Deb]wuoldirty18360.5014% Chile
0mngr9130.69012% Belarus

2Silence34271.26227% Germany
1Maxwell44351.26135% Sweden
1Falx-DSIR11170.65120% France
0|DM|bioweapon122206.1150% Germany
0JustMe29330.88026% Australia
0Mr.Bean19330.58014% Russian Federation
0YoMomma1052050% Portugal
0Crypto-Chief9150.6022% Australia
0PeasePudding7130.54140% Italy
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