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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 21 players | 2020-11-23T20:59:42.409Z

0coin32251.28025% Sweden
0Steno2.025221.14036% Italy
0Ladycat725300.83031% Slovenia
0your_mother22260.85020% Germany
0Törminator20260.77122% Germany
0your_son18360.5025% France
0Ghtrye9170.53021% France
0purplemurder6749230.39012% Mexico
0acolarh460.67025% Denmark

0|DM|bioweapon57153.8155% Germany
00_033241.38130% United States
0Silence27211.29027% Germany
0lee-wales-uk27310.87034% Italy
09120250.8021% France
0Mr.Bean14220.64114% Russian Federation
0smerf_maruda1052027% Russian Federation
0wlkn10110.91043% Australia
0JustMe350.6021% Australia
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