!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forge | public | 28 players | 2020-11-22T19:50:37.995Z

3Springbok12290.41013% Russian Federation
2SHIELD55232.39235% Hungary
1KseandI51252.04036% Russian Federation
1newguy29122.42042% Australia
1=DK=hamon26126057% Germany
1Kryptel15250.6014% Italy
1(&)Chifferi761.17022% United States
0KRL21330.64121% Russian Federation
0Winston20260.77016% United Kingdom
0Tusker1120.0809% Germany
0murdog00000% Australia

1[tBMC]phoBo26251.04122% Australia
1McBench23290.79124% Germany
1VoiceOfTruth18121.5033% Russian Federation
1[tBMC]tnyELVIS!14280.5017% Australia
1sergik@mac11290.38112% Italy
0tuta53281.89240% Serbia
0łowca_nagród19250.76025% Russian Federation
0roja_negra12280.43123% Ukraine
0DrunkMessiah10320.31017% Australia
0|DM|iZuck515055% Germany
0Djentstrumental422030% Australia
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