!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf garden | public | 20 players | 2020-11-21T13:40:18.859Z

301001014260.54112% Germany
2Mr.Andy5330.1508% Italy
1Xyk22260.85019% Russian Federation
1stigman4210.19211% Australia
0Lord-Grummel25320.78032% Germany
0Crash15151117% Germany
0Boegi9140.64027% Germany
0999632046% Syrian Arab Republic
0BATMAN4180.22113% India
0Dormouse00000% Italy

1TrianG56183.11139% Latvia
1ARCH(&)Tortelli20210.95015% Slovenia
1steve19250.76216% Germany
1FixittixiF11180.61025% Germany
0Momo62212.95144% Germany
0RiseBlink25231.09022% Germany
0unnnnamed14260.54117% Hungary
0unbekannt861.33023% Germany
0Pooper771024% Australia
tuta Serbia
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