!mpressive Sauer Tracker

EFFICBITCHESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Germany

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effic_ctf reissen | public | 16 players | 2020-11-20T18:10:32.506Z

2pslpgw18181022% United States
1mop36211.71123% Germany
1BIGBUFFAGOT15270.56217% Poland
1aztec3110.27016% Germany
1(&)arn_old-127-0.0409% Latvia
0fragginbitcher5300.17212% United States
0Sobekneferu-324-0.1200% Germany

2AlfredHugecock11250.44014% Germany
1ýŠò44261.69042% Belgium
1poopy-nuggets6270.22120% Croatia
1Bin_schon_tot5200.25015% Germany
0[sQ]shuzo20250.8021% Belgium
0Ag!1210.05217% Germany
0kiwop00000% Russian Federation
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