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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf catch22 | public | 24 players | 2020-11-20T17:43:59.456Z

3[Deb]wuoldirty11290.3807% Chile
1=DK=Avo41231.78031% France
1Helo40202034% Australia
1ouch36271.33036% Germany
1Niouc27261.04033% France
1roja_negra12290.41021% Ukraine
1[BOOF]mad.cat8170.47120% Czech Republic
0DAIGORO170.14115% Italy
0CeвepныйBapяг1140.0708% Russian Federation
0totoroki1190.0502% United States

2(&)Spaghettini46261.77033% Italy
2frozen38132.92032% France
130032201.6125% New Zealand
1error5190.2609% Germany
0Dr.Geno20240.83129% France
0JupiterHarsh13240.54014% Italy
0makh11230.4819% Uganda
0yourFEAR10120.83033% Germany
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