!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf capture_night | public | 18 players | 2020-11-19T12:37:59.729Z

4wall-e31221.41030% Germany
4pimp23161.44033% Australia
2(&)Tagliatelle32171.88036% France
2[covidiot]Trump623042% Germany
1MacRond17260.65120% France
09991672.29035% Syrian Arab Republic
0FeinribKnacker10190.53011% Germany

2XD~18210.86022% Germany
2matishka9250.36014% Latvia
1{camper}dkfl-5116290.55128% Russian Federation
0Crowd>sata45281.61042% Russian Federation
0Swaganas18270.67329% Germany
0CeвepныйBapяг4150.27023% Russian Federation
0Hulltrix221050% Czech Republic
0KonichiWAAA01000% France
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