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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 26 players | 2020-11-11T15:38:31.662Z

4sad75213.57253% Italy
2Ooooh_Yeah19210.9024% Australia
2FartonmeTLAB250.4011% Barbados
1SemiDrunk45202.25032% Germany
1(&)Tagliatelle9150.6021% France
1LollaBunny170.14011% Bulgaria
0apf18270.67030% Australia
0(&)Cannelloni1791.89041% Russian Federation
0Rache!11240.46015% Switzerland
0Tabib10110.91029% Germany
0Noobee340.75024% Serbia
0KRL-12-0.510% Russian Federation

2Фopмaт490.44026% Russian Federation
1Kryptel551016% Italy
0[RUSS]julia39221.77030% Russian Federation
0|TX|-OGETAY25211.19113% Turkey
0FurryDegenerate1953.8040% Germany
0Larry_Kpija16310.52117% Russian Federation
0Tonks1091.11027% United States
0fZedrick5250.2021% Germany
0Ferrari812super00000% Italy
0NULLJOINER_3D-220-0.100% Germany
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