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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 23 players | 2020-11-10T14:30:23.837Z

1gzorro32311.03027% Italy
1Murhh25270.93029% Finland
1run13190.68216% Russian Federation
0[sQ]B.Brecht70174.12052% Italy
0Steno2.039211.86227% Italy
0[RUSS]julia36191.89133% Russian Federation
0Admin14290.48021% Switzerland
0Stormpooper7130.54113% Russian Federation
0JAZZOCC6140.43013% Germany
0Nulljoiner3d-24-0.500% Germany

1|RB|r4ge58232.52150% France
199950351.43033% Syrian Arab Republic
1James13320.41017% Germany
1007F9290.31115% France
0opfer21290.72031% Sweden
0PeasePudding18260.69041% Italy
0RiseBlink15340.44021% Germany
0(&)Tagliatelle12160.75131% France
0sauroff11250.44126% Malaysia
0Шyxeвич7130.54016% Ukraine
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