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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf gubo | public | 25 players | 2020-11-08T18:44:01.044Z

2J42291.45426% United Kingdom
2(&)Pizzoccheri24310.7712% Turkey
2mayolaptop15290.52110% Australia
1SHIELD48301.6037% Hungary
1<J4F>Sahadar42202.1142% Russian Federation
1Dragan22360.61032% Germany
1sergik@mac8210.3829% Italy
0=DK=hamon74203.7655% Germany
0B@@L_4ever15121.25025% Germany
0Starve1091.11050% Czech Republic

1lee-wales-uk17260.65030% Italy
1[nF]Mero7360.1907% Russian Federation
0yourFEAR51301.7028% Germany
0Kamala.Penis41261.58129% France
0XD~25280.89222% Germany
0Шyxeвич21360.58020% Ukraine
0[RUSS]Messer20390.5104% Russian Federation
0Winston9370.2437% United Kingdom
0(&)Tagliatelle751.4023% France
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