!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf arbana | public | 25 players | 2020-11-07T16:04:05.571Z

4Kryptel18260.69119% Italy
2Sharpe_shooter24320.75224% Russian Federation
1(&)Tagliatelle20201132% France
1programer17290.59122% Russian Federation
1Winston15350.43019% United Kingdom
1Colofonius3110.2709% Germany
0razvan63262.42043% Romania
0UNTAMED23240.96026% Australia
0Nutshot2282.75146% Germany
0KRL16390.41020% Russian Federation

1RiseBlink47301.57233% Germany
130037271.37130% New Zealand
1FixittixiF30380.79131% Germany
0ýŠò82253.28062% United Kingdom
0Baumhummer34251.36025% Germany
0Gibby_McFragger12180.67131% Australia
0Holgiwood12220.55023% Germany
0gzorro9360.25010% Italy
0Jack012230.09015% Germany
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