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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf abbey | public | 18 players | 2020-11-03T17:15:09.309Z

6Maqx[Flips]22181.22128% Germany
2the_pence_fly9220.4109% Sweden
2EvenSerieus5130.38014% United States
1Pro.D.gaL32231.39037% Australia
1Nymeria17180.94332% Australia
1break632037% Russian Federation
0chonk17210.81025% India
0DAIGORO10150.67020% Italy

2Starve27132.08050% Czech Republic
0(&)Trofie27261.04242% Australia
0Diode22201.1024% Australia
0(&)Pennoni16180.89021% Germany
0Noob.D.gaL1591.67125% Turkey
0poopy-nuggets14111.27019% Croatia
0[Deb]wuoldirty12250.48020% Chile
0Ken0bi2120.17015% France
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