!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf hidden | public | 19 players | 2020-11-02T22:27:18.896Z

2evilknivel21171.24133% Germany
1bimo19280.68019% Italy
1your_son14190.74024% France
1[Deb]wuoldirty10200.5010% Chile
0fatmonkeygenius6178.71050% Germany
0Abdolban17180.94015% Russian Federation
0the_pence_fly10200.5116% Sweden
0desVerges02000% Mexico

1Nymeria24171.41021% Australia
0Diode29231.26029% Australia
0poopy-nuggets16230.7017% Croatia
0JoeBiden16240.67014% Switzerland
0Crystal_Lab14230.61113% Australia
0programer11250.44013% Russian Federation
0AntiRoxxol2100.2212% Switzerland
0wlkn120.5014% Australia
0KRL160.1708% Russian Federation
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