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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf redemption | public | 17 players | 2020-11-02T01:30:47.739Z

4Millycat20111.82021% United States
3gin16101.6022% Mexico
3[CE51]boo881020% Australia
1JanaSole8130.62026% Russian Federation
0Drynat22171.29032% Australia
0cheating933060% Australia
0(&)Cannelloni9120.75123% Russian Federation

1Crystal_Lab11140.79013% Australia
0NeverGonaGiveU^10140.71027% Australia
0Ali_24_PR7160.44115% Mexico
0Maxman3005140.36020% Australia
0Ladycat7212014% Slovenia
0Ooooh_NO!03000% Sweden
0EvenSerieus08000% United States
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