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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf abbey | public | 23 players | 2020-11-01T20:41:23.548Z

3Oops34231.48032% Germany
1Abdolban44281.57232% Russian Federation
1obi_de27122.25035% Germany
1B@@L_4ever27280.96123% Germany
1Шyxeвич16340.47119% Ukraine
1Starve590.56027% Czech Republic
0TENET24102.4131% Romania
0wlkn21260.81127% Australia
0|sx|Super_Girl9120.75029% Italy
0dry02000% New Zealand

5|LaTn|Edux24300.8221% Japan
2Noobee39241.63023% Serbia
0iwishiwasdruaga27231.17123% Australia
0Nymeria26221.18138% Australia
0AR|Sh1n0b126231.13131% Australia
0(&)Rotelle19330.58028% France
0Mr.Bean17280.61121% Russian Federation
0wizzzz13260.5114% Russian Federation
0Admin10280.36323% Switzerland
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS531.67055% Serbia
0Dri020112% New Zealand
TRUMP Germany
AntiFlux Germany
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