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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 24 players | 2020-10-31T22:28:36.077Z

2(&)Spaghettini36231.57026% Italy
2Limon12210.57214% Russian Federation
1Vufudza35261.35026% Russian Federation
1Gladiator28320.88031% Germany
1Fluttershy2263.67048% Australia
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS71193.74151% Serbia
0CiNGöZ27191.42121% Turkey
0Zack1271.71121% Germany
0BlebulanRebel011016% Australia

3apf12280.43012% Australia
1Barbina717310.55120% Slovenia
1Blak_Rata16330.48021% Italy
1TrollZA11240.46017% Japan
0lawnchair31390.79125% Australia
0J30320.94022% United Kingdom
0(&)Tagliatelle24161.5128% France
030021280.75115% New Zealand
0Kvako_SK19380.5117% Slovakia
0Zoch270.29116% Switzerland
0hotdog00000% Australia
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