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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf eternal_valley | public | 27 players | 2020-10-31T18:24:41.152Z

3MacRond13300.43122% France
2Winston13290.45012% United Kingdom
2Шyxeвич12210.57225% Ukraine
1(&)Spaghettini26151.73420% Italy
1ARCH(&)Tortelli20290.69016% Slovenia
1JAZZOCC18161.13124% Germany
1Perussola17180.94019% Italy
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS73262.81060% Serbia
030032281.14026% New Zealand
0smerf_maruda22191.16130% Russian Federation
0Admin22310.71131% Switzerland
0(&)Tagliatelle20131.54025% France

0Dormouse44261.69035% Italy
0Zack36271.33018% Germany
0murdog24112.18033% Australia
0maxsuper23280.82026% Russian Federation
0JustMe22290.76130% Australia
0[GLX]Bøddel2063.33047% Mexico
0CiNGöZ20240.83221% Turkey
0sergik@mac20310.65021% Italy
0UNTAMED18320.56215% Australia
0Toranaga10250.4012% Switzerland
0coobtoo5120.42014% Italy
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