!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf arbana | public | 26 players | 2020-10-29T22:05:13.023Z

3Gladiator21300.7126% Germany
2thelonious35331.06133% Sweden
11up82243.42257% Romania
1JustMe30291.03025% Australia
1eat_my_bubbles28281023% Australia
1vety26310.84042% Slovakia
1MuhKuh6170.35018% Germany
0Brei?31291.07232% Sweden
0wlkn23181.28031% Australia
0SegaPluto23260.88015% Australia
0trick15260.58129% Germany
0MakeLoveNotWar8320.25116% United States

1xGreeNx28290.97018% Russian Federation
1JAZZOCC28350.8124% Germany
1Colofonius22380.58124% Germany
1apf17370.46032% Australia
0pimp63361.75254% Australia
0yourFEAR40104054% Germany
0Zack28310.9017% Germany
0AR|Sh1n0b123310.74130% Australia
0EvenSerieus7120.58024% United States
0mir4220.18112% Italy
0(&)Paccheri270.29028% Romania
0stigman2410.0508% Australia
010010 Germany
coobtoo Italy
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