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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 21 players | 2020-10-29T13:51:52.167Z

6Perussola20240.83025% Italy
1Murhh27211.29031% Finland
10ct0b0t17210.81113% Germany
188413110.27015% India
1Gibby_McFragger000116% Australia
0Timakrov_Gunn49153.27047% Australia
0faye<326231.13032% Croatia
0dp261061.67035% Germany
0(&)Trenette313037% Germany
0DoomsDayer120.506% France

2pizza14270.52014% Germany
0[RUSS]julia36291.24143% Russian Federation
0(&)Paccheri27271232% Sweden
0CocaineJesu|sx|21220.95022% Germany
0Nymeria14170.82036% Australia
0MakeLoveNotWar13131035% United States
0(&)Stelle150.206% Sweden
0pizza180.13014% Sweden
0AYYILDIZTÄ°M02000% Turkey
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