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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf reissen | public | 20 players | 2020-10-23T22:26:52.942Z

1wall-e27330.82028% Germany
0|DM|iZuck83263.19254% Germany
0isawyou52212.48042% Romania
0El38|Spectrum31261.19229% Russian Federation
0Toranaga22240.92127% Switzerland
0(&)Gemelli17190.89024% Italy
0NeverGonaGiveU^6300.2018% Australia
0NooBa190.11010% United States
0ARCH(&)Tortelli022035% Slovenia
0Pooper-124-0.04115% Australia

1Kopatel27290.93029% Russian Federation
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS68272.52056% Serbia
0VoiceOfTruth36301.2136% Russian Federation
0Samarrah23151.53041% Sweden
0Cachorrozos16280.57119% Russian Federation
0Gladiator13400.33121% Germany
0AlphaCentaurus9310.29024% United States
0G>F-o-X5310.1609% France
0desVerges2120.17010% Mexico
0DerPeter200000% Germany
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