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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf campo | public | 18 players | 2020-10-23T17:09:17.081Z

6Perussola13111.18117% Italy
5B@dMonkey2583.13024% France
4sergik@mac1171.57122% Italy
2G>F-o-X9130.69223% France
1|DM|iZuck6497.11152% Germany
1tuta1427042% Serbia
0(&)Passatelli22112034% France
0a_theory303042% Australia

0mad.cat19200.95122% Czech Republic
0MuhKuh12270.44017% Germany
0|LaTn|Edux7330.21113% Japan
0JanaSole5260.19112% Russian Federation
0ARCH(&)Tortelli3260.1204% Slovenia
0superKIKI140.25016% France
0Mr.Andy170.14012% Italy
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