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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 22 players | 2020-10-18T21:42:52.704Z

1<J4F>Sahadar54232.35038% Russian Federation
1Gladiator25300.83125% Germany
1Roach18310.58035% Turkey
1apf10270.37115% Australia
0mt3b56262.15147% Romania
0(&)Gemelli14200.7115% Italy
0lincoln_project12130.92021% Sweden
0the_burger7290.2406% Australia
0LollaBunny00000% Bulgaria

1Atheist14310.45124% Germany
0tuta50261.92037% Serbia
0Lokillo48331.45238% United States
0Nymeria24300.8120% Australia
0miguel13111.18018% Sweden
0Thorin10220.45421% Australia
0CocaineJesus8100.8019% Germany
0Kryptel6110.55014% Italy
0Fo.04250.16017% Switzerland
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