!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf reissen | public | 16 players | 2020-10-18T20:50:21.849Z

2MuhKuh19230.83020% Germany
2stigman9250.36019% Australia
1BlueWombat14160.88029% Australia
1CocaineJesus570.71029% Germany
00_020201028% United States
0skad00000% France
0[RUSS]Messer01000% Russian Federation

1coin24151.6040% Sweden
1Colofonius16161123% Germany
0Maledictorian24131.85030% Germany
0CHAKALL24181.33030% Bulgaria
0murdog18101.8024% Australia
0Nymeria9170.53027% Australia
0Manneken-815-0.5310% Germany
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