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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 23 players | 2020-10-18T18:42:34.335Z

3Zoch29161.81134% Switzerland
201001020131.54018% Germany
2Kryptel15160.94018% Italy
1JanaSole9200.45020% Russian Federation
0...961.5120% France
0wall-e861.33038% Germany
0ghostrider7180.3925% India
0Titou221040% France
0B0nG-36-0.530% Germany

2CocaineJesus17131.31016% Germany
1Chrunchstick24151.6036% United States
1Maledictorian1572.14029% Germany
1Briareos9210.43112% Mexico
0ARCH(&)Tortelli15180.83014% Slovenia
0<J4F>Sahadar1381.63230% Russian Federation
0Sir_Ballsack6100.6020% Australia
0murdog321.5133% Australia
0B@@L_4ever390.3309% Germany
0steve00000% Germany
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