!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf snapper_rocks | public | 19 players | 2020-10-17T22:56:16.928Z

3Dashie21300.7021% Germany
1asdx41281.46042% Hungary
1Ag!30221.36229% United States
1Nymeria20270.74038% Australia
1MuhKuh8370.22113% Germany
030036231.57226% New Zealand
0VujTeraWombazia16320.5022% Australia
0DrunkenMonkey01000% Germany

1Ao1|Pointblank29241.21213% Australia
1Winston21330.64025% United Kingdom
1miguel19191120% Sweden
1ARCH(&)Tortelli3360.0807% Slovenia
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS83213.95064% Serbia
0Googlebot14230.61118% Australia
0LFWhite13200.65130% Russian Federation
0Mia3130.23013% Germany
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