!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forgotten | public | 20 players | 2020-10-17T21:48:25.824Z

40_027141.93127% United States
3Larry_Kpija24161.5021% Russian Federation
2conebone11108% Germany
1WhiteCat39261.5035% Bulgaria
1Best-Shot26191.37223% Turkey
1Hamburg5217250.68030% Germany
0Kopatel25270.93021% Russian Federation

1nxs29241.21132% Russian Federation
1TheKing22300.73228% Turkey
1[RUSS]Messer20260.7708% Russian Federation
1Googlebot17300.57026% Australia
1LFWhite11210.52017% Russian Federation
0Nymeria11101.1026% Australia
0Maisels_Weisse270.29010% Germany
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