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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf nitro | public | 28 players | 2020-10-17T19:44:55.218Z

2F!!!***32201.6119% Turkey
1[tBMC]PhoBo17180.94117% Australia
1apf9300.3118% Australia
0|RB|__FRY__50261.92036% Russian Federation
0Шyxeвич20300.67124% Ukraine
0Larry_Kpija14160.88016% Russian Federation
0Pêachy10250.4014% Portugal
0Atheist5110.45118% Germany
0NeverGonaGiveU^01000% Australia

0tuta42261.62034% Serbia
0mayolaptop29261.12136% Australia
0Kopatel27241.13034% Russian Federation
0WhiteCat26270.96023% Bulgaria
0=Laggy-Jumpper=18181217% Japan
0FUCKBOY900016190.84025% United States
0VoiceOfTruth15111.36028% Russian Federation
0aua.aua11180.61026% Germany
0bruh8250.32011% Germany
0Blak_Papa130.33025% Italy
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