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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf hallo | public | 22 players | 2020-10-16T22:47:23.163Z

110101034211.62030% Germany
1[RUSS]Messer16240.6708% Russian Federation
1PĂȘachy13180.72022% Portugal
1(&)Alfabeto5270.1917% United States
0nxs19210.9019% Russian Federation
0HANDONMYNECK18181121% Italy
0Dashie14220.64113% Germany
0Larry_Kpija7100.7119% Russian Federation
0Unmanned515050% Russian Federation
0Gladiator460.67028% Germany

1NooBa1230.0402% United States
0orgmod52182.89046% Romania
0Zoch33181.83034% Switzerland
0Meheeco27171.59024% Mexico
0Your_Mother19191031% Italy
0=Laggy-Jumpper=14220.64015% Japan
0)Quadrettini10150.67012% Russian Federation
0Gibby_McFragger8100.8116% Australia
0apf580.63035% Australia
0gallet130.33033% Italy
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