!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf turbulence | public | 13 players | 2020-10-16T01:16:10.109Z

4Ao1|Pointblank3293.56124% Australia
2(WU)oldirty19141.36020% Chile
1freezecorleone1226029% France
1chicken-nuggets12190.63027% Australia
1NooBa3110.2704% United States

1|sx|Grummel14150.93226% Germany
1ärdusäker10140.71015% Russian Federation
1Silver4210.19111% Australia
0Turtlehead871.14040% Australia
0Blotto7110.64025% Australia
0Master-Roshi-10-110% Turkey
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