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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 20 players | 2020-10-14T15:16:04.210Z

6QWERTY|SPAIN34191.79024% Germany
2break37162.31034% Russian Federation
1Ag!35191.84038% Germany
1Krizzlybaer5200.2517% Germany
0[RUSS]julia46232239% Russian Federation
0CATALONIA[BCN]1291.33238% Russian Federation
0Who_Cares12320.38016% India
0Penhasco_BR340.75025% Russian Federation
0gin340.75025% Mexico

0|DM|iZuck43182.39048% Germany
0JAZZOCC26151.73032% Germany
0Noobee21131.62039% Serbia
0Maqx[Flips]20230.87033% Germany
0Toranaga15230.65121% Switzerland
0LagaJaga12240.5028% Japan
0(WU)oldirty12290.41012% Chile
0VujTeraWombazia10350.29010% Australia
0MuhKuh7200.35022% Germany
0Ken0bi03000% France
Dr.Erotic United Kingdom
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