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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 27 players | 2020-10-13T19:44:37.554Z

2pimp33152.2026% Australia
1TrianG44202.2133% Latvia
1conebone17240.71125% Germany
1Ye$iL12140.86229% Turkey
0ouch42241.75235% Germany
0thelonious33241.38030% Sweden
0Diode30122.5024% Australia
0KRL(RUS)23290.79025% Russian Federation
0Шyxeвич12180.67218% Ukraine
0JohnTheSniper11260.42013% Russian Federation
0wlkn340.75023% Australia
0Don'tShootME00000% Australia

1Dragan19300.63330% Germany
0Crowd>sata40301.33031% Russian Federation
0YoMomma36113.27130% Portugal
0J34251.36229% United Kingdom
0JAZZOCC23310.74225% Germany
0Blak_Papa19270.7022% Italy
0B@@L_4ever17340.5118% Germany
0desVerges7250.28115% Mexico
0Perussola551020% Italy
0~phiggen4230.1704% Germany
0superKIKI280.25013% France
0(&)Maultasche01000% United Kingdom
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