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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf autumn | public | 19 players | 2020-10-13T16:34:34.013Z

2lsv41231.78045% Ukraine
2Colofonius24300.8023% Germany
2jSr7240.29014% Russian Federation
10_035172.06123% United States
0[RUSS]julia43212.05036% Russian Federation
0axelsche17310.55020% Germany
0Sandokan14270.52023% Russian Federation
0[mVa]Mozilla!480.5116% France

2B@dMonkey31261.19027% France
1eat_my_bubbles34271.26025% Australia
1DAIGORO11190.58116% Italy
1alp670.86027% France
0(&)Mandala35241.46035% Australia
0DarKing40819151.27129% France
0Caramba11150.73025% Italy
0[RUSS]Messer10350.2903% Russian Federation
0Otto240.5050% Germany
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