!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf tempest | public | 17 players | 2020-10-12T00:39:10.429Z

3BRA-asdf13170.76030% Russian Federation
1fatmonkeygenius61183.39052% Germany
1[tBMC]PhoBo32171.88029% Australia
0gin22201.1027% Mexico
0Megumin7110.64026% Russian Federation
0(WU)oldirty6180.3306% Chile

1Millycat24280.86119% United States
1HarryBrowne17230.74037% Australia
0dp2628290.97042% Germany
0sarajevo14310.45220% Portugal
0Snape8110.73034% Russian Federation
0LollaBunny6100.6027% Bulgaria
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