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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf abbey | public | 26 players | 2020-10-08T22:03:25.745Z

2CHAKALL33241.38231% Bulgaria
2Briareos18330.55024% Mexico
2agamura-snek2230.0923% Russian Federation
1yourFEAR55272.04045% Germany
1BIGDICKENERGY29281.04032% United States
1damnnoob9330.27011% Portugal
0(&)Paccheri32201.6037% Sweden
0(&)Gemelli9240.38215% Italy
0LollaBunny8130.62125% Bulgaria
0test741.75030% Australia
0^Schwi130.33012% United States

1|OSH|0x053943251.72037% Germany
1bump32142.29135% Romania
1phoenixwright28191.47242% Germany
1a_theory12200.6118% Australia
1maresnest991028% Croatia
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS40172.35048% Serbia
0El38|Spectrum18161.13030% Russian Federation
0(&)Casarecce18230.78131% Mexico
0Krizzlybaer7190.37215% Germany
0Gambit360.5016% Australia
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