!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf garden | public | 14 players | 2020-10-06T13:36:00.861Z

3Hulltrix24270.89025% Czech Republic
1Noobmaster6954232.35038% Germany
0DarKing40840231.74043% France
0Le_Dougre19260.73129% France
0(&)Bavettine11200.55122% Italy
0darkomen8100.8122% Hungary
0|DM|Eleisa00000% United States

1El38|Spectrum36211.71040% Russian Federation
1Bossanova20350.57033% Italy
1hurt_fillings6210.29025% Germany
0Stefano.22270.81235% Italy
0alcoholic20102029% Russian Federation
0pimp19131.46045% Australia
0Zoli3320.0908% Hungary
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