!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forge | public | 20 players | 2020-10-05T19:27:29.032Z

2wall-e29360.81036% Germany
2VoiceOfTooth16151.07124% Germany
1Steno2.038182.11046% Italy
1Шyxeвич22290.76022% Ukraine
01331311025% Russian Federation
0sarajevo9160.56019% Portugal
0DingsDaBumsTa01000% Germany

1TheKing33301.1036% Turkey
1Unmanned25251021% Russian Federation
1programer19300.63018% Russian Federation
1lincoln_project15290.52015% Sweden
1(&)Filini824047% Australia
1Fe0h651.2042% France
0?44212.1234% Italy
0Asphaltfraese13180.72125% Germany
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