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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf tejen | public | 18 players | 2020-10-05T15:04:37.779Z

1lt.Trautman51173043% Romania
1Noobmaster6926151.73054% Germany
0=Laggy-Jumpper=22131.69123% Japan
0skad17131.31032% France
0Dude13140.93024% Russian Federation
0Crowd>sata732.33042% Russian Federation
0(WU)oldirty390.33015% Chile

1phoenixwright37321.16041% Germany
0BBC.FuckPutin!1553051% Russian Federation
0X_X10170.59126% United States
0(&)Rigatoni9340.26015% Germany
0CocaineJesus8160.5024% Germany
0Zoli2250.0818% Hungary
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