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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf capture_night | public | 21 players | 2020-10-04T16:14:33.400Z

2CHAKALL29310.94224% Bulgaria
1thelonious48341.41137% Sweden
1...22131.69025% France
1(&)Lumache10180.56015% Croatia
0|DM|iZuck68292.34343% Germany
0tromal53311.71044% France
0una25380.66028% Germany
0Winston18330.55129% United Kingdom
0ImDumb12190.63016% Italy
0rat2220.09413% Germany

2Crypto-Chief8250.32112% Australia
1Colofonius26420.62020% Germany
1sergik@mac11310.35113% Italy
0(&)Bavettine89214.24039% Sweden
0Pro.D.gaL59301.97133% Australia
0Dragan19430.44023% Germany
0G>F-O-X9350.2609% France
0Zoli7370.19014% Hungary
0Otto270.29016% Germany
0BBC.news-10-110% Russian Federation
Cotton.Eye.Joe Germany
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