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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf tejen | public | 19 players | 2020-10-04T15:01:04.693Z

1st28271.04135% Russian Federation
00x053931103.1142% Germany
0Razvan7618190.95026% Romania
0jt890.89025% Norway
0(&)Tagliatelle515055% United Kingdom
0rat460.67026% Germany
0welwell321.5015% Germany

0(&)Bavettine64222.91145% Sweden
0una17190.89023% Germany
0BRA-asdf14190.74023% Russian Federation
0Ag!12130.92020% Germany
0ElMuerto8110.73028% Germany
0Zoli6270.22024% Hungary
0costy6911422022% Romania
0maxsuper150.207% Russian Federation
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