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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf wdcd | public | 15 players | 2020-09-30T13:28:03.384Z

3àé44291.52028% Italy
3Larry_Kpija26280.93022% Russian Federation
3Wolfman5250.2014% India
1CHAKALL10110.91033% Bulgaria
0Jazzman26171.53041% Sweden
0Gibby_McFragger5200.25011% Australia

2Taranchik9210.43010% Belarus
1olive37271.37033% Italy
0Slash14837271.37024% Japan
0Bin_schon_tot29251.16029% Germany
0$Cpt_VJkanth$321.5021% Malaysia
0robert03000% Romania
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