!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf bad_moon | public | 14 players | 2020-09-30T04:33:59.242Z

3Ao1|Pointblank22161.38024% Australia
3|LaTn|Edux6150.409% Japan
1Millycat29142.07232% United States
1[tBMC]subbed741191.22044% Australia
1[BOOF]BOOFY9100.9040% Australia
0fatmonkeygenius2373.29044% Germany

1blop26201.3139% Finland
1Xdoophy~6210.29010% Germany
1+KMLBazz-5220.2305% Jamaica
0mikepenis7160.44212% Australia
0Havoc580.63020% Australia
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