!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf frostbyte | public | 14 players | 2020-09-30T04:27:21.535Z

4Millycat25161.56137% United States
3blop26231.13045% Finland
2[BOOF]BOOFY19171.12030% Australia
1mikepenis221018% Australia
0RedTurtleX5.5617210.81140% Australia
0Xdoophy~130.33016% Germany

6Kami17200.85136% United States
2Ao1|Pointblank25211.19023% Australia
201001018151.2133% Germany
2|LaTn|Edux18230.78126% Japan
0+KMLBazz-3160.1939% Jamaica
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