!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf turbulence | public | 16 players | 2020-09-29T03:08:46.410Z

3Lord-Grummel8110.73028% Germany
2morgot27132.08036% United States
1Lokillo42182.33037% United States
1UNTAMED18210.86118% Australia
0lawnchair842136% Australia
0Meat_Target6240.25013% Australia

1cavewoman29191.53033% Australia
1GBK_BoujeeTrin21161.31134% Australia
1(WU)oldirty15270.56014% Chile
0[BOOF]BOOFY12101.2033% Australia
0AssaultCube741.75136% Philippines
0Briareos790.78029% Mexico
0irun4190.21112% United States
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