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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 15 players | 2020-09-28T22:12:33.309Z

4NooBa1110.0900% United States
2[RUSS]Messer23141.6407% Russian Federation
2Winston22211.05135% United Kingdom
2wall-e1371.86036% Germany
0Larry_Kpija19121.58220% Russian Federation
0a_theory12140.86115% Australia
0BEEG.COM12160.75121% Germany
0shitbagbaby2221100.108% Australia

0Steno2.029132.23141% Italy
0Gladiator17171122% Germany
0miguel13210.62012% Sweden
0Lilly6160.3808% Italy
0kale5140.3619% United States
0LollaBunny5190.26229% Bulgaria
0sad111050% Italy
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