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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf abbey | public | 24 players | 2020-09-28T16:32:19.865Z

4conebone20250.8027% Germany
2eat_my_bubbles23240.96019% Australia
2QWERTY|SPAIN22240.92034% Germany
2wlkn11140.79029% Australia
1Clyde42192.21041% France
1sad30103250% Italy
1Ghtrye28271.04129% France
1B@@l_4ever11220.5421% Germany
1Gibby_McFragger10240.42125% Australia
0Bonnie28191.47338% France
0KonichiWAAA1052038% France
0Scary230.67013% Russian Federation

3apf11320.34116% Australia
2F!!!***34261.31022% Turkey
2st34301.13236% Russian Federation
1toastbrot34231.48135% Germany
0RedTurtleX5.5613190.68324% Australia
0Jazzman1071.43052% Sweden
0ALEXFOX10320.31013% Russian Federation
0Holgiwood9190.47125% Germany
0Ukr03000% Ukraine
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