!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf garden | public | 12 players | 2020-09-27T22:59:57.181Z

1Ikagura34241.42025% France
1the_burger14280.5013% Australia
0damnnoob21171.24019% Portugal
0justapingthing20191.05027% Australia
0josh3140.2118% Australia

2mayo21250.84019% Australia
1[tBMC]bensocket28261.08024% Australia
0<Cr0wd>Kaotic50163.13038% Australia
0neckpillow22102.2145% Germany
0BlueWombat21141.5025% Australia
0KRL(RUS)771024% Russian Federation
0Lokillo321.5017% United States
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